How To Get Loan From Zerodha

Friends, at present, Zerodha has become the largest money platform where everyone can invest their money in the stock market securely. And along with this, Zerodha company provides many offers like loan or many plans etc. which makes it very user friendly and reliable for a common man.

Zerodha company provides money on loan to all those people who invest their money in the stock market through the Zerodha app so that every person can take a loan from here if needed and they do not have to withdraw their invested money.

Loan Against Securities:

Friends, to take a loan through Zerodha, the company checks your investment records as for how many days you have been investing money in the stock market with the help of this application and how much money is invested, on which by calculation it is decided that how much money you should get as a loan which is used as security.

Loan Eligibility Criteria:

There are some eligibility criteria to take a loan from Zerodha application, which is very important to follow, which is given below,

You must have any trading account or demat account on the Zerodha platform.

Your Zerodha demat account should have money invested in any kind of stock or mutual fund or ETF.

Along with this, for securities eligibility criteria, your money should be invested in liquid stock with sufficient market value.

Steps To Get Loan From Zerodha Apps :

1. First process is to open Zerodha Kite application or open Zerodha Console in your browser and open your account by giving your login details.

2. After that open Zerodha Kite app and go inside the menu option and select the loan option or you can also do this like open Zerodha Console and find the fonts option and click on the loan against securities option.

3. Here your demat account will be checked, depending on the previous investment records, the amount of loan you should get will be decided and it will be shown to you which can be used as security.

4. Whatever amount limit is eligible for your account, within this, you can tell here the amount of loan you want so that the repayment tenure and interest rate offer can be shown accordingly, which you can select.

5. Once you complete and confirm the loan amount and all other details, everything will be checked for securities and sent to the Electronically Central Depository Services Limited portal for loan application.

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6. But before that, you have to check your profile whether your KYC details are up to date or not because all those documents are very important for document verification like PAN card and Aadhaar card. If all these are not present, then you have to update those documents immediately.

7. Once all the verifications are completed, your loan amount will be approved and all the loan funds will be disbursed and transferred to the bank account linked with your demat account within the next 24 to 48 hours.

Conclusion :

Friends, today we have learned how you can apply for a loan instantly with the help of Zerodha application and can get a loan and along with this it is also very important for you to know all the terms and conditions related to the loan of Zerodha application and it is very important to get information about all the rules and regulations related to the interest rate or repayment system.

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